Saturday, September 4, 2010


September 1st. My first official month begins as a San Rafael resident. Granted, Jeremy and I have been back from our trip for a few weeks now, but those weeks were filled with moving and unpacking and organizing, family and highschool reunionizing- now it feels like we are truly getting settled. Exploring the neighborhood, trying out the local cuisine, going to farmer’s markets, oh yeah- and job hunting (more on that later).

There are so many things I love about being back. Just last night, Jeremy and I walked to 4th Street to get froyo and we ran into Sarie (my sis). Last week my dad called me on a whim to go hear someone speak at the community center with him and this afternoon we had a last minute lunch together. Earlier this week I picked up my little cousins from school. It is so nice to be close to my family again.

This time of the year is beautiful here. Apparently it’s been an unseasonably cold summer but let me tell you, it’s going out with a bang. It’s been really warm the past few days but warm in just the right ways. The sky seems a piercing blue and it stays warm even when the sun goes down. Everyone is outside soaking in what is left of the summer magic before fall sweeps in. I’ve been doing my best to take Jeremy on all my favorite trails. So far we’ve done the Dipsea Stairs and beyond, Mt. Burdell, Indian Tree, Phoenix Lake and I’m pretty sure we found a trail down the street from our place that will eventually lead you into China Camp although we didn’t get far enough to find out on our first expedition. The trails here are so glorious and magnificent and this nice weather makes it all the more inviting to be outside. The air is clear, the views are breathtaking and never ending. These are trails I’ve loved for years and yet to see them through someone else’s eyes makes them all the more magical and special. I feel like I am constantly reminded about how beautiful it is here just by seeing the wonder on Jeremy’s face.

We have been so blessed. Our summer was so ridiculous and liberating and amazing and now we are here in this lovely house with a dishwasher and a huge garden in the cutest neighborhood – it just doesn’t make sense. The other night I was talking about all this with John Buckley (Sarie’s dad) and explaining my discomfort at how lucky we have been and he said to me ‘This is just a great time for you to really practice your gratitude”. And he is totally right. Whether or not I deserve all this good stuff is kind of besides that point. I have it right now and I just need to be overflowing with thanks every minute that I do.

Fall has always seemed like the most hopeful season to me, which is probably counterintuitive since really things are getting ready to hibernate and change colors and ultimately go on hiatus to brace for winter. Maybe my internal calendar is still synched up to the school year, but fall has just always felt like a beginning to me. And it does right now. Jer and I have given ourselves a month to try and get jobs in something we REALLY want to do. For me, that is of course music. So I have until October 1st to see what kind of musical life I can make for myself here. This includes everything from giving music lessons to playing shows to playing house concerts to- well, I’m still brainstorming. (any ideas??) But I’m excited to give it my all and just be brave.

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