Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Here are some updates in no particular order:

1) Last week I teamed up with this great company called La'Fa'Mos (please check them out at: They are a marketing and publicity firm that works with independent artists and they are going to help me promote the new record when it comes out!! I'm really excited and so thankful to have their help and expertise in getting the word out there.

2) As of yesterday, EIGHT of my friends are engaged. Not eight acquaintances or eight long-lost pals, but eight dear friends. For many of these friends, I remember gossiping excitedly over coffee or breakfast about this new guy they recently met who is oh-so-magic and low and behold, he ended up being the one. I have grown up with these girls, I've been through so much with each of them and it has been amazing to watch everything unfold. I am so happy for their happiness and just honored to share in this chapter of their lives.

3) Perhaps because I was sick in bed last weekend or because love truly is in the air for practically everyone I know, or because the holiday season is impending, I have watched the movie "Love Actually" pretty much every night while falling asleep. I'm thinking- not normal, but I'm letting it slide for now.

4) I have the distinct joy of singing harmony for one of my managers at Hugo's this coming Tuesday at The Hotel Cafe. His name is Christopher Dallman and not only is he such a talented singer/songwriter, but he is also one of the funniest people I know, and he does a KILLER impression of Annette Benning that is making me laugh right now just thinking about it. Check him out at and come to the show next Tues if you live in LA.

5) Josh Holtsclaw, who is doing all the artwork for the new record, sent me the first draft of the album cover. I'm thinking it might be the last draft because it's amazing and I'm obsessed with it right off the bat.

And now it is almost midnight, I'd better get crackin if I want to get in that nightly viewing of Love Actually. Hope all is well out there and stay tuned for more to come.


Confessions Of A Pickle said...

i watch love actually nightly.. oddly we are sisters. and fob and i find that ties right in with all your engaged magics. (ps who are they..)

Unknown said...

I also sadly watch Love Actually like once a week. Especially in the run up to Christmas time in London... it's so magic.

Paul thinks I have some sort of problem actually.